"The Psychic Sensation."

fandomless original character.
multiverse friendly.
face claim - lottie person from the "snotgirl" series.


For one, Alicia's actual name isn't Alicia; rather, she goes by that name through her career and as a way of forgetting previous experiences. In actuality, Alicia's real name is Ikumi, though this was changed when she moved to America for the sake of convenience.

The move to America was prompted by her father, Rowan, as a 'safer' place to bring up her child after the recent increase in monster sightings. Alicia's mother, Hitomi, reluctantly agreed. Whether this move was for the better or worse is a subject untouched by both of them.

The connections for Alicia between both America and Japan, however, steadily helped her in her career; she only had to pay for flights when going between the two as accommodation, bills or food wasn't too much of an issue. Starting out simply as a YouTuber who mainly worked as a barista, Alicia slowly worked her way up into becoming a fully fledged model with a large social media presence. Though the appeal of not only her appearance, but her telekinetic capabilities, probably added to her popularity and presence.

Alicia, rightly so or not, has quite the apparent ego when it comes to her career, talents and appearance, being openly proud of who she is and all who asks. That is, at least, in public. Despite her bitter, cold attitude and cocky exterior, behind closed doors, Alicia is actually deeply insecure about herself as a person. She constantly tries to better herself, even if there isn't an obvious issue. However, her bitterness against herself manifests into anger against others, often causing her to lash out or push away those she's close to as a defensive mechanism. She is as complex as she is destructive, metaphorically and physically.


Having both of her parents as successful heroes, Rowan being a telepath and Hitomi being a telekinetic, this meant that both of Alicia's parents were never home very often, often having her going to and fro between the houses of both family relatives and child minders. The young Alicia didn't necessarily see this as an issue, as she was a social child that enjoyed talking to multiple people. Rather, it was school that bothered her so much.

It started in infant school. Her beautiful blonde hair slowly shifted to a lime green, and her popularity instantly decreased. She went from being one of the most popular girls around, to being completely ignored. The sudden swap from popular to barely anyone changed her, and she saw how quickly humans could change. And it scared her.

She didn't hide her fears at first. She told her parents that she felt uncomfortable, and about the bullying, but she was instantly shot back down with "don't worry, that's just what kids do. It'll pass." by both of her parents. "By the time you get to high school, it'll all change."

However it didn't. The isolation continued, and the bullying persisted. It went from immature name calling to the complete isolation by her peers as they refused to work with her. They began to call her a freak, and all went silent as she passed them in the halls. The name stuck to her body like second-hand smoke. The manifestation of her abilities caused her to get migraines, though out of fear of being seen even more as a freak, she withdrew further from others to the point of complete isolation.

It wasn't until Alicia refused to go to school her parents realized that something was wrong. They stepped in, and asked for the bullying to be stopped, but that was about it. They said they were too busy to get too involved, and so would leave it up to the school to sort out. Which, they did not.

Alicia was continuously bullied throughout her high school life. However, she found solace in art studies. When she skipped classes to avoid bullies, she was always allowed within the art studio. Through this, her art was a spectacle to behold, and her teacher marveled at her talents and appealed to her to go to art college.

It was a chance to get away from everything, and be accepted for something. A new beginning. At least, on the condition that she could provide a portfolio. She promised that she could.

But she couldn't. The news spread across the school, and the other students decided to play a 'prank' on Alicia, by smearing paint through the classroom, and across the artwork she had materialized throughout the year.

Her dreams of a new start shattered, as did her mind.

It started with the flare of a green aura and ended in destruction. Lockers were sent through walls and classrooms were trashed with the mere flick of her wrist. What kept Alicia going was the desire to spread the pain she had been experiencing for all of her childhood years across every single person in that school. When her parents were called to see about a monster, they were shocked to see it was their daughter. What worried them more was that seeing how Alicia's hatred only intensified when seeing them, as did her abilities.

The only one that could calm Alicia down was her art teacher, Mrs Leroy. Seeing the fear in her eyes stopped Alicia's destructive path, and brought her back to being human. Enough for her parents to pin her to the ground, sedate her mind, and bring her home.

Her parents paid for the damages, though made Alicia swear she would have to pay them back. She reluctantly agreed, though Alicia was hurt by the fact they seemed more concerned about their reputation rather than why Alicia suddenly turned. She's never voiced her pain, but instead, let it fester ever since.

Her career as both a model and social media influencer has meant she has now paid back what she owes, and has since moved out to live independently and away from her family. She avoids her parents and previous school associates as much as possible, hence why she now goes by Alicia rather than Ikumi. Naturally she is recognized, but most are too afraid to say anything. Though she tells herself she has risen above, she still struggles with self-acceptance.




The psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. This is Alicia's most developed ability as she uses this both during mundane tasks, and to defend herself. While her body may not be strong, her mind is , allowing her to throw both people and objects should the need arise. She can make things levitate off the ground, push/pull things in the directions she chooses, and generally, do anything she otherwise could with her hands except with significant more strength. Her using this ability is obvious as her hair curls upwards and things under her influence gain a light green glow. In situations where she uses a significant amount of mental strength, Alicia will gain her own green glow, that will then reflect other colors.


The psychic ability of making invisible force fields through the strength of the mind. This can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. It has a wide range of uses, from creating invisible shields to things to use as weapons. While the word "invisible" is used, these objects can be detected by those with a keen eye, as it has a tendency to warp the scenery around it. Additionally, when the objects are impacted, the shockwave courses through the object's shape. Alicia's hair also, again, curls at the ends.


Not quite the same as telepathy, like her father. Instead, Alicia has the ability to pick up and detect how someone/something is feeling. It isn't a distinct way of reading someone's mind, but more experiencing their emotion. For example, being able to detect if someone is in pain despite them saying they are not and hiding it. This ability can also be used to understand animals or creatures that may necessarily be unable to communicate. While it isn't a form of language, she can at least detect how they're feeling.


Similar to telekinesis, Alicia can make herself levitate to move over people or to gently lower herself down from large heights. She can also use this to suspend other objects in the air. She mainly uses this however to take the best images she can.

